What Kind Of Tickets Can Be Forgiven Through Texas Defensive Driving?

Typically, when you get a traffic ticket and pay the fine in Texas, you’ll get points on your license. After a certain number, penalties become more severe and you may run the risk of losing your license. That’s why taking a Texas defensive driving course to keep those tickets off your record is such a compelling option: it’s possible to keep any penalties to a minimum and it helps you drive safely, avoiding future issues. Although a Texas defensive driving course can erase many problems, it isn’t allowed in every situation.

First-Time Ticket Offenses

If you haven’t had problems before and your current violation is a minor one, you’re probably going to have the option to keep it off your record by taking a course. Your options become substantially more complicated if multiple violations exist on your record.

Specific Ineligibility

There are several situations where you are all but guaranteed not to have the option. First, it isn’t available to anyone who holds a C-DL. As a commercial driver, Texas holds you to a higher standard, even if the incident in question occurred behind the wheel of a non-commercial vehicle. You will never have this option available; you’ll always need to carry the full penalty on your license.

The other major and common exception is tickets given for speeding in excess of 25 miles beyond the limit. This is considered a more serious offense and is not eligible to be struck from your record under any circumstances.

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